

Oktober 2024

Zirkusprojekt mit dem Mitmach-Erlebniscircus - Circus Mondeo

Juni 2024

Unsere 6. Klassen in der Kletterhalle - in english please

At 7:15 o’clock, we met at the Rathausmarkt and then we drove with the Bus to Teltow Stadt, but on our way a LKW crashed, our bus and we had to wait. That was very scary. On Monday Boris told us everything about secure at climbing. At the first day, we have not climbed so much because we learned the secure technic. At the second day, we climbed in a group of two for the first time. That was very much fun but really exhausting too. There were easy and not so easy climbing routes. For us the third day was the best because we climbed outside. There was a challenge. If you climbed one climbing route, you won a cool prize. The prize was one free ice cream and a cool T-shirt. In the end, six kids climbed this tricky route, but other kids tried too. At the end of the day, we all were very proud of us. At our last day, we had to do a secure exam. Everyone passed the secure exam. Then we can climbed for ourselves. And we could climb routes were a machine secure us. The coolest thing at the last day was swinging, because it felt like you can fly and at the end we ate a yummy pizza. After the pizza eating we drove to a park. There we walked through a forest but then it start raining, we all were very wet after a few minutes. We felt like 7vs.Wild members. Then we went to a bridge were we can spray. That was very cool. In the end, we all had very much fun and we liked the climbing trip.

For four days straight we met at Rathaus Markt at 07:15 AM, so nobody miss the bus that comes at 07:21. If somebody missed the bus they´ve could take one later, but luckily, nobody missed the bus. So everybody usually came earlier to Rathaus Markt to buy some snacks or drinks. The most of time the bus came a bit late so we had a lot of time. We drove with the bus about 20min to Teltow Stadt. There we chilled and waited 10-20 min for Fr. Anger. But on our first day on Monday, we came a bit later because an LKW drove against our bus and broke our buses mirror. But long story short a special car came and repaired our bus. From Teltow Stadt we took the S-Bahn to Marienfelde. We had one stop between our ride to swap the S-Bahn. When we finished with S-Bahn, we should walk for 15-20min to the South Rock. That is where we climbed. Our coaches name was Boris and he tought us how to do the knot. It was a little bit difficult but we learned it. He showed us how to wear the safety belt and to safe ourselves. On the first day, we climbed in groups of three but on the other days in groups of two but on the last day we could go on the auto-safety climbing route. The climber needs to have the knot that we learned connected to his belt and the safer needed to have a safety thingy. As a safer, you need to pull the rope under the belt from the other side of the thing to pull the rope out and pull it up and down again. That is how saving works. To go down you needed to scream to your partner “zu” and then if you want to go down “ab”. When you are the safer, you need to hold the down button and slowly put you on the floor. And we basically climbed inside and one day outside. Outside was much harder and there was and hard track. Boris said if someone finished it, there would be a gift. Six Kids finished it so yeah.  It was a very fun experience.   

We went climbing for four days. Now we will tell you how we got to the climbing place. First, the class 6b met at the Rathausmarkt at 7:15 then we got on the bus at 7:21 to Teltowstadt. On the first day when we went with the bus to Teltow Stadt a lorry cashed into the bus and the mirror was knocked off but it got fixed very fast, when we arrived at Teltow stat we took the train to Priesterweg and then we took another train to Marienfelde. After we arrived at Marienfelde, we walked to the climbing place. The first day at the climbing we did a lot theory that was boring L.The second day was better, fist we did a partner check and then we could climb on our own. Before we started climbing, we always did a warm-up. We got shoes and saftybelt from the climbing place. On the third day, we climbed outside and there was a challenge when you got up the hard climbing wall you got a t –shirt and an ice cream. On the fourth day we climbed and did the climbing test, everyone passed it. Afterwards we went spraying and got very wet from the rain. All in all, it was a very funny and nice experience.

Juni 2024

Februar 2024

aktualisierter Jahresterminplan 13.02.2024

Dezember 2023

Vorlesewettbewerb der 6. Klassen

Sieger der 6. Klassen: Justin Dorn

Mit seiner herausragenden Leseleistung erreichte Justin den ersten Platz und wird die Steinweg-Schule beim Regionalentscheid im Februar 2024 vertreten. Herzlichen Glückwunsch!

Nikolausfest am 06.12.2023 von 16.00 Uhr bis 18.00 Uhr

03.12.2023 Weihnachten auf dem Rathausmarkt - Wir waren dabei!

Schüler und Schülerinnen der AG Nikolaus- und Adventsbasteln haben für den diesjährigen Weihnachtsmarkt gesägt, gebohrt und gefeilt. Es wurden Schutzengel, Kränze und Kerzenständer hergestellt. Auf dem Rathausmarkt durften die Schüler und Schülerinnen beim Verkauf ihrer produzierten Waren sein. Ein erfolgreiche und schöne Erfahrung für alle.

November 2023

Vorlesetag Beyer © Beyer

Am 17.11.2023 findet der jährliche bundesweite Vorlesetag in Deutschland statt. Auch dieses Jahr meldeten sich wieder freiwillige Vorleser*innen. Wir bedanken uns im Voraus und wünschen allen eine tolle Vorlesestunde.

29.11.2023, 14.30 Uhr bis 16.30 Uhr - Tag der offenen Tür" in Verbindung mit dem Zwergenclub

August 2023

Liebe Eltern,

hier die Informationen zum ersten Schultag, den Stundenzeiten, den Ferienzeiten, den Essenszeiten und den Raumplan für das Schuljahr 2023/2024.

Juni 2023

Am 01. Juni fand unser zweites Kinderfest in Kooperation mit dem Kinderhaus Ein-Stein und dem Regenbogenhort sowie mit der Unterstützung der Freiwilligen Feuerwehr Kleinmachnow statt. Es war ein voller Erfolg. Die Kinder genossen die volle Aufmerksamkeit der Horterzieher*innen und Lehrer*innen nicht beim Lernen, sonder bei Spaß und Spiel.

   Damit es auch keiner vergisst - Plakate!                                                                                  Horte und Schule - alle feierten gemeinsam

Kindertag Beyer © Beyer
Frau Horn mit drei Lehrerinnen Beyer © Beyer

Spaß überall!

Spaß an der Kletterwand Beyer © Beyer
Fröhlich Beyer © Beyer
Spaß bei der Schmuckherstellung Beyer © Beyer

Feuerwehr Beyer © Beyer

               Einige Fakten in Zahlen:

Waffel und Crepes - Stand Beyer © Beyer

                500 Bratwürste

                100 Grillkäse

                6kg Zuccini

                500 Brötchen

                400 Flutschfinger

                200 Crepes                                                  Geduld! Das haben unsere Kinder - wenn

               100 Waffeln                                                   sie auf Waffeln oder Crepes mind. 30min

               und und und                                                 warten mussten.


       Spaß beim Löschen

Spaß beim Löschen Beyer © Beyer